All complaints whether communicated to us by letter, telephone, electronic mail will be acknowledged within 2 working days of receipt. The acknowledgement letter will contain details of our Complaints Policy.
The investigation into the complaint will be impartial and where necessary seek further information about the complaint.
Report/Response Letter
This letter will be sent within 28 days from receipt of your complaint or 14 days from the date we have received further information from you:-
a) Summarise our understanding of the complaint.
b) Explain the nature of the investigation which has been carried out and if necessary identify who within our firm you have spoken to.
c) If the complaint is accepted, explain what we have done to put matters right and where appropriate what form of redress will be given to you.
d) If the complaint is not accepted - an explanation as to why.
e) Confirm that you have the right to contact the Legal Ombudsman (details set out below) at the end of the complaints process.
Request for a Review - In the event you ask us to review our response to your compliant or you reject our previous offer of redress we will arrange for either the COLP to review any decision taken by the Managing Director or the Managing Director to review any decision taken by the COLP. We will write to you within 14 days of your request for a review and provide our Final Response and remind you of the right to refer the matter to the Legal Ombudsman Service.